19th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and
Applications Security
Nathan Hale Inn,
University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, U.S.A., August 7-10, 2005
Once you have loaded the first web page for the conference (the link is above),
choose the "Sign in" option on the upper left hand side of the page
(under the Home). The "Sign in" takes you to the page: https://continuingstudies.uconn.edu/ec2k/SignIn.asp
On this page, enter your information exactly as distributed in the email
that was sent with your user id (SSN) and password:
First Name
Last Name
Social Security Number
This will take you to a page with a list of courses. Choose the
eighth course down on the list:
Annual Conference on Data and Applications Security
This takes you to the start of the registration page. On this page,
choose "Select this course" (purple letters above the yellow).
This takes you to a page that shows your shopping cart. On this
page (near the bottom), choose:
"Optional course feees & discounts or conference sessions"
Now, you choose the relevant option option by picking the digit one in the
corresponding drop down.
Now, click the update button at the bottom of the page.
This refreshes the page and recalculate the total.
Now select the "Proceed to Register" at the upper right - blue letters.
This takes you to the page that allows you to input your address,
phone, email, etc. Just fill out the top portion of the page with the
home and work address, and then scroll down this page to the "Submit"
button and continue from there. It will then start prompting you for
money (via VeriSign Secured).